Thursday, 9 July 2009

In a mad mad world

This is something so frustrating and i don't know who to vent my anger as it should be, i am writing a post. For those in a mood to soak up some gyaan, and regurgitate it to me later...please stay away.

It so happened that i found out only today(i know i am a bit slow on technology and things like that) that now if you need to sign up for a new gmail account you have to furbish a mobile number...or else they wont give you an account(no no, dont believe me, try it out yourself). And on top of it, they have the guts to say they will give only a limited number of ids per mobile number. what the hell! if i need mail ids i need them, and if someone is being so snide about it of course i would rather shift to some other service provider.

its such a huge invasion on my privacy that i feel schocked even to react. and it freaks me out...i mean gmail has got it all has my mails, the friends i have, its linked to my orkut account, picassa and my blog. all this is njo unnerving till the time i know its only a virtual a phone number means stamping it into my real world...which i dont like in anyway...the real and the virtual are different, and they cant and they are no supposed to meet.

for the heck, someone can misuse a mobile number...and giving it out means firmly existing in some database...and watching some weird english movies has made me believe its so easy to wreak havoc in anybody's life by simply cracking a password. what next? there will be police verifiction i a person creates a virtual personification...and so much incursion on my privacy for what? try reasoning it out for me.

what the F***K

i find it better to pay for something than have ads displaying on my personal page...i am waiting to shift to a webpage from blogger soon...if only i could have a day's time to finalise all the details. gmail is only providing a service...if at all it should make people pay for it, that makes sense for me and i dont mind. but i am very dissapointed by this medium. anyways of late i have been thinking books are the best way to instead of spamming the cyber space may be i should focus more on writing a book and have it published. i will have less chance of someone indenting my privacy then. i don't know about anybody else, but i really am quite scared of the all knowing google.

i am even planning to shift to using yahoo mail again...however clumsy and disorganized and ugly the interface is...or maybe some other service that doesn't cost me my identity.

its a mad mad world we live in...after i die, the only place i want to be exist is in someones' memories, and not in google search. as one entity, may be fading out but definitely not in terabytes and gigabytes storage space online.

Technology makes it possible for people to gain control over everything, except over technology. - John Tudor


Unknown said...

its really awsome yaar keep doing ...... i feel tht whn u write this article u feel so angar...
anyways i like it and agree with u.....

Pankaj Upadhyay (पंकज उपाध्याय) said...

No, this is not right. There are some security questions. You need to select one of them and provide your answer and this expect you to fill the same when you forget your password.

So best option would be to choose - 'Write my own question'. Write your question, answer it and your account would be created...

But I completely agree with your point that nowadays sites are intruding into our privacy and there should be a legitimate gap..

Howz life and new job?? Enjoy..

Sandeep said...

"1984" and "brave new world" coming soon...

neera said...

I had a similar experience with gmail and identity exposure do concern me... well done! you raised the issue..

Figurines of glass said...

saw ur comment on my blog...u have a good heart, that i can tell from whatever little bit i have read here so far...:)

Peter @ Enviroman said...

Hi Puja,

Thanks for leaving a comment in my blog post My first grandchild at his grandfather's birthday. Highly appreciated.

Beyond said...

Just don't remain as an entity in google search, be an identity.

prakashmehta said...

but big question is when u r in social(what social in it?) network people start socializing
all this sick
hey i am doing same socializing(sic)
but this is it